Well, I caught my first redfish, also known as a red drum, in South Carolina, fishing with my good friend Chris.
Year: 2023
Letter to the editor: The Brandon Police Log keeps me informed
I have thought a lot about the issue of publishing the police log in the Reporter and, although intellectually I can understand the reasons against publishing it, in reality I realize how important it is to me.
10th annual Backcountry Skiing Forum held in Rochester
Ridgeline Outdoor Collective celebrated its 10th anniversary and hosted 150+ backcountry-skiing enthusiasts at Pierce Hall in Rochester last Thursday evening.
Hard Tellin’: To tree or not to tree
I have a complicated relationship with trees. To me, a big, old, wind-toppled maple tree is both a heartbreaking sight as well as a wonderful opportunity to rake in some free cord wood for the woodstove.
Brandon’s Got Talent is back and as good as ever
More than 100 people came to see the 19 acts, who offered up music, dance, and even hula hoops.
Brandon Police Report: Landlord goes rogue and trashes renter’s home
On Nov. 3, BPD responded to a residence on Church Street for a report by a tenant that his landlord was breaking into his dwelling.
Mosquito district faces fines from state agency
The Otter Creek Watershed Insect Control District (OCWICD or the District) held a special meeting on Wednesday, October 25 to discuss its response to the imposition by the state of penalties totaling $9,125.