After watching the Brandon Candidates Forum, I am pleased to say that my previously positive impressions of Mr. Doug Bailey have only increased.
Category: Letters to the Editor
I encourage YES votes for the Town and RNESU budgets
I read with disinterest the diatribe of Sharon Stearns in a recent letter [see The Reporter, 2/21/24] concerning the Brandon town budget, the Selectboard, the Town Manager, the Deputy Town […]
David Atherton’s tenure as Town Manager ended badly
While Mr. Atherton did many good things for the town during his tenure as town manager, it is important that the voters understand the final months of his tenure before deciding whether they want him to become a Selectboard member.
Newspaper correction & rural etiquette, please!
In my letter to the editor of the Brandon Reporter on 2/16/24, I wrote about the amount of spending our selectboards and school boards are responsible for and the extra funds they have spent over the past year or so.
Letter to the editor: Ethier and Fjeld Nelson are best for Brandon
After speaking to the candidates and examining their experience and values, I want to give my support to Ralph Ethier and Heather Fjeld Nelson for the 1-year Selectboard positions and to Doug Bailey for the 3-year term.
Letter to the editor: Proposed budget measures are reckless spending
Brandon taxpayers are being asked to approve a 13.45% town budget increase with a 9.7% increase in taxes, as well as being asked to approve a bond for $500,000 for a town solar array on leased land.
Letter to the editor: Fjeld Nelson and Ethier would help build a better Brandon
There are two seats open on the Brandon Select Board for one-year terms. Ralph Ethier and Heather Fjeld Nelson are the two candidates that have the ability and desire to work together towards a better Brandon.
Letter to the editor: Atherton’s Selectboard candidacy is a conflict of interest
I fail to comprehend how Dave Atherton’s candidacy for the Brandon Selectboard is not a direct conflict of interest with his position as Town Manager of our neighboring town, Pittsford.
Letter to the editor: Correct information about proposed new taxes is essential to deciding how to vote
I have been reading with interest the letters on Front Porch Forum and in the Brandon Reporter about the Selectboard’s proposed budget and would like to add my voice to the conversation.
Letter to the editor: Please vote to support the Brandon Free Public Library’s mission to serve
With voting preparation now getting under way in the Brandon area, and some contentious budgetary discussions occurring, I want to clarify some things about the Brandon Free Public Library’s appropriation request on the town ballots.