Here’s what kept the Brandon Police Department busy last week.
Tag: Brandon Police Log
Brandon Police Log: Domestic calls and erratic drivers
Here’s what kept the Brandon Police Department busy last week.
Brandon Police Report: They did not go quietly into the night, er, the police car
While officers attempted to place a man compliantly into the back of the police cruiser, he resisted and damaged the cruiser’s door, window, and interior by kicking and spitting.
Letter to the editor: Police log is harmful to innocent people accused, identified, but not guilty of crimes
My grandson was charged with cruelty to a child. This happened at the end of March of this year. It was false but the Brandon PD investigated, as was part of their job.
Letter to the editor: The Brandon Police Log keeps me informed
I have thought a lot about the issue of publishing the police log in the Reporter and, although intellectually I can understand the reasons against publishing it, in reality I realize how important it is to me.
Letter to the editor: Publishing the police log is harmful to our community
We know the public delights in spectacle and anonymous trolling – just log into any social media account to confirm this – but I still am convinced there are strong reasons for not publishing police reports, which I would like to highlight.
Editorial: What is the purpose of the police log?
Sometimes people end up arrested simply because they had a bad day and the arrest doesn’t reflect who they generally are. Is it fair to announce this lapse to the entire community?
Brandon Police Report: Investigation into threat hoax ongoing
Brandon Police Department is investigating a hoax where the suspect impersonated an employee and threatened to shoot up the Hannaford Supermarket in Brandon.
Brandon Police Log: Children keep BPD busy
While on patrol, officers observed a child in diapers climbing a fence near a busy intersection on Conant Square.
Brandon Police Report: Gasoline is not an FDA-approved bong cleaner
BPD received a call regarding a suspicious female at the Jiffy Mart on Grove Street who was asking to purchase 50 cents in gas “to clean her bong.”