In a representative democracy, the people elect officials to enact policies that reflect the people’s will.
Tag: editorial
Editorial: A year in, The Reporter needs support from the community
In our last issue of 2023, which marked our one-year anniversary as an independent nonprofit, we ran an ad that got a good bit of attention, at least as far as I can tell by the number of comments I’ve received about it around town.
Editorial: A tax too far?
Last week, heads exploded all around the state when Vermonters heard about the projected 18.5% increase in property taxes next year.
Editorial: ‘Freedom and Unity’ is not an empty motto
Last week I wrote about the potential consequences of hateful, dehumanizing language and just days later three Palestinian men were shot in Burlington.
Editorial: Lesson from the past: Words have always mattered
My father’s parents were born in a Polish town called Łuków (roughly “woo-cough”), some 75 miles southeast of Warsaw.
Editorial: What is the purpose of the police log?
Sometimes people end up arrested simply because they had a bad day and the arrest doesn’t reflect who they generally are. Is it fair to announce this lapse to the entire community?
Editorial: It’s important to keep a full written record of public meetings
There’s been a bit of debate over the last several weeks regarding the optimal way to record the minutes of the Brandon Selectboard meetings.
Editorial: BRAVO comes to Brandon
What we do is something called Restorative Justice. If the words are understood individually, you might be amazed at how much you already know about these ideas.
Editorial: The parade is us
Even in a small town like Brandon it’s easy to retreat into a bubble of likeminded friends and family and ignore the segments of the community that don’t mesh with our own personal politics and preferences. And so it was heartening to see the entire community on display during the Brandon Independence Day Parade and its related events on Saturday.
Editorial: Time for tough conversations
A month or two ago, The Reporter received an anonymous email from a former employee of Regional Ambulance Service in Rutland.