Proctor unleashes bats to slug West Rutland


PROCTOR — The Proctor Phantoms softball team came from behind twice to defeat arch-rival West Rutland 14-7 on Thursday afternoon, May 5, in sunny Proctor. Junior shortstop Ria Lubaszewski was the hitting star for the Phantoms with two three-run homers in the first and third innings.  Cadence Goodwin gained the win for Proctor with able relief help from Jenna Davine. 

For West Rutland, Isabella Coombs drove home three runs and Soyhr Perry contributed a two-run single. Peyton Guay took the loss on the mound. For Westside, it was its second straight loss after five straight wins to start the season. For Proctor, their undefeated start to the season stays intact at 5-0.

But no sports battle between Proctor and West Rutland would not have its intrigue, drama, and a bit of craziness thrown in for good measure. This contest was no different – it had a bit of everything. 

Each team’s leftfielder had a dynamite play: West Rutland’s Camryn Williams made a diving catch of a liner hit by Davine; while Angel Traverse of Proctor took matters into her own feet when she speared a WRHS line drive with the bases loaded and decided not to throw home to catch a runner who should have been tagging on the play. Traverse made the catch and sprinted to the mound where she handed the ball to Goodwin, holding the runner at third. 

Davine, normally the centerfielder for Proctor, came in to relieve Goodwin in the fifth. Megan Cole took over in centerfield and made a tremendous running catch on a ball hit by Peyton Guay late in the game. Davine, obviously new to the mound, worked 2 2/3 innings of one-hit, one-run ball. She simply lobbed the ball over the plate and let her defense do the work. They were superb behind her. The only hit she allowed travelled 5 feet forward, took a reverse spin backward and brushed the catcher in fair territory before ending up in foul territory behind the plate. A negative five-foot single! 

And there was a wonderful display of respect and camaraderie when Guay was knocked over while covering home plate on an errant pitch with a runner bearing in from third base. After the ensuing collision, the batter at the time Maggie McKearin, ran out to the mound and gave the young freshman a quick hug and resumed her stance at the plate. 

Guay immediately threw a fastball by her for strike three. But the symbolism of the respect between the two schools and these two highly talented young players was not lost on the fans. It was a wonderful display of respect by an outgoing senior who epitomizes class and the expected dominance of a first-year player who is making a lot of noise in the athletic world in western Rutland County. 

And the coaches, too, displayed a battle of the minds as each elected to intentionally walk a star hitter twice during the game in situations where it would not normally be called upon. Ultimately, the strategy worked out better for Proctor than West Rutland – this time. Both coaches showed great interest and involvement in the strategy of the game in an attempt to win. A great lesson for the players to see as they keep working to improve their own games.

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