PROCTOR — At its reorganizational meeting Monday night, the Proctor selectboard re-elected Judy Frazier as chair of the selectboard and Ben Curtis as vice-chair, while also discussing a public hearing set for March 28 during which the public would hear Zion Growers’ plans for the Proctor Marble building and its hopeful redevelopment.
Town Manager Michael Ramsey said the industrial hemp processing firm is seeking a $60,000 planning grant from the Vermont Community Development Program that needs the town to act as a grantee, while Zion would be the sub-grantee. The grant comes with a 10% match, which would be covered by Zion Growers.
During the hearing, Ramsey said, the firm would more fully describe its business plan, along with a time-line of when construction could be expected if all goes according to plan. “It’s about as exciting a development as we could hope for,” Ramsey said, adding that the town was eager to work with the firm and the Preservation Trust of Vermont to see the building, and the Vermont Marble Museum, refurbished and reopened to regular visitors.
The public hearing will start at the beginning of the selectboard’s next meeting on Monday, March 28, at 6:05 p.m. in the Proctor town office meeting room.
In other appointments, the selectboard approved:
• Zoning Admin, Michael Ramsey (interim, until the town finds a suitable applicant);
• Planning Commission, no new applicants (currently has 1 opening);
• Recreation Committee, Amanda Duchesne;
• Constable, Donald Russell;
• Tree Warden, John Corliss;
• Rutland County Solid Waste District Representative, Carrie Covey;
• RCSWD Alternate representative, John Corliss;
• Regional Ambulance representative, Joseph Bernor;
• Rutland Regional Planning Commission representative, Carrie Covey;
• RRPC alternate representative, Michael Ramsey;
• Regional Transportation Council representative, Bruce Buccei;
• Regional Transportation Council representative alternate, Michael Ramsey.
The selectboard remains as the Board of Water Commissioners and Board of Sewer Commissioners, and selectboard meetings will continue to be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month starting at 6 p.m. The newspaper of record will continue to be The Reporter, serving Brandon, Pittsford, Proctor and West Rutland.
There were no public comments at Monday’s meetings and no official guests. Under “good stuff,” the selectboard lauded the Proctor Girls Basketball team for an excellent season in which the team advanced to the final tournament at the Aud in Barre against West Rutland, and fell just short in a highly competitive game, 57-56. The selectboard saluted the team and the entire program at the Proctor High School for representing the town so well.
Under the town manager’s report, Ramsey noted that the town was still seeking two town positions: a zoning administrator and a pool manager for this summer. Job descriptions for both positions, he said, are posted on the town’s website and on the town’s Facebook page.
Ramsey also he was nearing completion of a public works work plan for the summer construction season, which should be available at the next meeting.
He updated the board on the Mortimer Proctor grant applications, saying applicants were expecting to hear from the foundation in the near future. The town is seeking funding for playground equipment adjacent to the ice-skating rink; a dock at Beaver Pond, and a few items at the town pool.
Ramsey also noted a community breakfast would be held at the ice-skating rink on Saturday, April 9, and an Easter Egg hunt would be hosted by the high school as a fundraiser on April 17, from noon to 3 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be there at the town green to greet the kids and pose for photos.