GOSHEN — An unusually large spending item on the Goshen’s town meeting warning animated the group of about three dozen residents who came to an in-person meeting at town hall Monday evening.
But first, town meeting participants dispensed with smaller spending issues. They agreed to deposit $4,000 per year for five years into a fund to pay for repairs to the town hall. The town will work toward getting grants for specific projects to augment that fund.
Then, without much discussion, the $248,351 municipal budget passed by voice vote. It was $4,000 more than was warned because the town hall repair money was tacked on.
Then came the most contentious item: Article 5, which asked for $621,068 to improve and pave Town Hill Road. The issue arose when homeowners on that road came to a selectboard meeting en mass a few months ago and demanded that the crumbling pavement be replaced. The selectboard got the state Agency of Transportation to put the project out for bid and the low bid was the figure voted on. Although a few feathers were ruffled before the vote, the measure was defeated almost unanimously on a voice vote.
“There was a little bit of miscommunication,” Assistant Town Clerk Marci Hayes recounted. “The board wanted people to see how much this would cost.
“Bill Mathis, our moderator, did a very good job keeping everything on topic.”
After rejecting the $621K ask, the residents present then OK’d spending $214,700 on the highways. Hayes said the town agreed to do some patching on Town Hill Road and look for grant money to pay for a full repaving.
Goshen residents also took a first step toward getting rid of garbage and recycling pickup at every house and instead having homeowners drop off their refuse at a central collection point. In a non-binding vote residents said they were good with exploring that option.
The results of Australian voting on Tuesday resulted in some familiar faces in Goshen municipal government, and some new ones.
Two veterans declined to stand for re-election: Selectman David McKinnon and Town Treasurer Vickee Whiting. Taking their spots will be Thomasina Magoon, who won a three-year seat on the selectboard with 63 votes, and Susanne George, who garnered 63 votes for treasurer.
Incumbent Town Clerk Rosemary McKinnon was re-elected with 51 votes.