Hardcore, steadfast, resolute, tough. Vermonters by any name are fiercely independent and self-reliant from living at the edges of society. There’s a necessary premium on the homemade, homespun, and homegrown.
Tag: Mat Clouser
Relations to the Otherwise: an interview with Vermont’s newest Poet Laureate, Bianca Stone of Brandon, Part Two
Part II, continued from last week.
Relations to the Otherwise: an interview with VT’s newest Poet Laureate, Bianca Stone of Brandon
The Olympian god Apollo has a deep resumé, including the god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the sun and light, and even poetry—not among the highlights, however, are Braggart and Spurned Lover.
Poetry: The Long Trail South
At the Great Cliffs of Mt. Horrid we were strong, tunneling through the woods,/ peeping at the nesting falcons,/ using the toilet at the Sunrise Shelter,/ stopping at the top of No Name Ridge to turn back home.
Infinite grace: Rev. Jenei Rossigg brings vigor, strength to Church of Proctor
“The biggest thing for churches right now is to understand there isn’t just one way to be a part of the spirit. We have to open ourselves up—really uncomfortably open ourselves up to acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of how the spirit moves and be willing to be a part of it.”
Editorial: So long… and thanks for all the fish wrap
I’m stepping away to find more time to focus on the writing that I’m most passionate about.
Public comment dominates recent Brandon SB meeting
Dozens of concerned citizens filled the Brandon Town Hall basement on the night of October 24 so that their voices might be heard by members of the selectboard—and heard they were.
Election Day 2022: Some things old, some thing new, some things red, some things blue
This week’s focus will turn to local affairs—specifically the state senate and house races—where voters will get to choose from various new and old faces in their quest to keep Vermont running at its best.
Young OV field hockey squad succeeds with senior sway
This year’s OV field hockey team is a special bunch. A blend of veteran leadership and youthful enthusiasm that’s had to jell quickly—they lost six seniors from last year’s team—but jell they have.
Pittsford selectboard hears new ARPA funding requests
In particular, the board heard new presentations from representatives of the Pittsford Historical Society and the Maclure Library as part of the ongoing process to compile a list of requests and prioritize potential usage of the funds.