Over 100 enjoy opening day at Proctor’s roller skating rink


PROCTOR — Even with temperatures in the high 80s on Memorial Day, the opening day of Proctor’s Skating Rink drew a packed house with a DJ providing live music and free hot dogs and ice cream sundaes to the more than 100 skaters who filled the rink.

“It was a terrific opening day,” said manager Megan Cannucci. “It was very, very busy. We served free hot dogs and ice cream sundaes provided by Stewart’s (convenience stores). And even though it was hot, almost 90, the skating hut has air conditioning so kids and adults were able to come in and cool off.”

The rink opened at noon following the town’s Memorial Day parade and services. It closed at 5 p.m. on Monday. Hours will fluctuate daily depending on the weather, and will be updated frequently on the town rink’s Facebook page.

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Excited about the upcoming season, Cannucci said this was only the second year for the roller skating rink, noting they had big plans for the rest of the year. 

“We get people from all over who come to skate here,” she said, explaining the draw the rink provides, including someone who drove up from Saratoga Springs, N.Y. for the opening day. She also said they were looking to expand activities at the rink to include weekend dances and movie nights on a 15-foot screen. “We want to make the rink a year-around venue,” she added, that is used by Proctor area residents and draw others to the town. The rink has long been open for ice-skating in the winter, which also draws people from throughout the region, including school groups from as far away as New York City.

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