The Town has ordered replacement lampposts: one single-globe for opposite the Library and
one triple-globe for in front of Blue Moon. We coordinated with the police department and the Town’s insurer regarding working with the insurers of the drivers for the property damage; one was uninsured. Incident reports had been filed in both cases. Note that lead time on shipping the lampposts is 6+ months. We are also ordering a spare single-globe lamppost to be kept on-hand because of this.
Town staff has assessed and repaired the speed sign on Franklin Street; it is again operating as it should. DBA has not advised a date when twinkly lights in the parks will be removed. The Town crew posted the roads for thawing conditions beginning Thursday 22 February.

Focus Areas During Reporting Period
Discussions with the engineers and contractor for the wastewater upgrade indicate that substantial work completion will be late in May, with final meetings in June. The work will fully utilize available funding.
Collaborative work with FEMA and town staff is ongoing to fund the Town’s response to July 2023 floods.
Collective bargaining with NEPBA (police union) is ongoing with a team from the selectboard. Heavy time investment on town meeting preparation including responding to questions about the budget proposal, paving situation, and solar array proposal, and assisting selectboard with town meeting presentation.
The Town of Brandon is now fully integrated into the VT-Alert messaging platform. I have been trained as primary operator and Bill Moore as secondary operator. This will reach a wider audience than our opt-in text alerts, which we will continue for the time being. I had many meetings, scheduled and unscheduled, with town officers, staff, and townspeople.
Thank you to Cecil Reniche-Smith and Tracy Wyman who are completing their Selectboard terms at this year’s Town Meeting. It has been a privilege to work with you both.