Pittsford selectboard debates virtual Town Meeting this year


The current surge in COVID-19 cases led the Pittsford Selectboard to consider alternative ways to hold Town Meeting this year.

The selectboard discussed at their meeting Wednesday options for holding Town Meeting through Australian ballot or in person at a later date and outside. No conclusion was reached, in part due to a bill pending in the state legislature.

State Representative Butch Shaw told the selectboard that the bill – which is expected to pass later this week – will authorize towns to adopt either option.

Shaw said that the bill is similar to the bill that allowed towns to alter Town Meeting proceedings last year. 

Selectmen also discussed alternatives for collecting ballots. Options discussed including finding funding to pay for mailing ballots and a possibility of a drive-around to collect them.

This year’s Town Meeting warning was also approved by the panel.

In other business, the selectboard unanimously approved the adoption of the budgets for FY 2023. 

In order to retain a balanced budget, Pittsford will forego line striping again this year. Striping did not take place this past year due to supply chain shortages. The proposed increase in the paving budget has also been pared back.

The General Fund and Highway Fund will see 3% property tax increases. Town Manager John Haverstock said at the meeting that the increase will be comparable to increases being considered by other towns in the region. 

The town’s General Fund proposed budget for 2022-23 is $1,715,740 compared to the previous year of $1,669,369. 

The town’s Highway Fund budget for 2022-23 is $1,187,100 compared to the prior year’s budget of $1,154,770.

The amounts to be raised by taxes are: General Fund: a proposed $1,322,350 for FY2022-23 compared to $1,283,829 for FY2021-22; Highway Fund: a proposed $1,045,650 for FY2022-23 compared to $1,015,200 for FY2021-22. 

Liquor Control Board

The Liquor Control Board voted unanimously approved two liquor licenses.

The Proctor-Pittsford Country Club, Inc. received a renewal for First Class, Third Class and Outside Consumption. Maplefields’ request for a Second Class liquor license was also approved.

Other Business

• The selectboard unanimously approved the purchase of a new police cruiser. The Dodge Durango is estimated to cost between $52,000 and $54,000 once it is fully outfitted. The selectboard’s approval of the purchase follows a transfer of $25,000 from the General Fund to the Police Cruiser Fund at the panel’s Dec. 15 meeting.

• The selectboard heard an update on the hiring of a new town manager. Virtual interviews of the candidates concluded in late December and the panel have chosen three candidates to interview in person. Selectmen informally approved to give two of the final candidates $150 to help with travel expenses, as the candidates will be coming to Pittsford for the interview from outside the state.

• The board unanimously voted to waive a Homestead Declaration penalty of $52.45 for one resident. Haverstock said that the town typically waives the first violation of the Homestead Declaration deadline.

• A highway access easement at 357 Sugar Hollow Road was approved. The property owner stated in the permit application that the easement will be used for logging access.

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