In a fun, raucous and spooky production of “The Addams Family,” a musical based on the popular television show and movie, the Otter Valley Union High School’s Walking Stick Theatre showcases a bevy of talent as they present a fully in-person show after enduring no in-school performances last year during the pandemic.
Day: November 17, 2021
COVID spike hits area towns
The latest town-by-town data from the state Department of Health reveals how much a new spike in cases has affected southern Vermont in particular, including several towns in Rutland, Bennington and the southern parts of Addison counties.
Rain dampens GOP rally; locals hold pride festival
Last Saturday, under steady rain, the much publicized ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ rally brought a bit over 100 folks to Brandon’s Central Park to lodge their voices of dissent against President Joe Biden and to listen to Vermont’s new GOP state party chair Paul Dame. Hours before Dame’s small group showed up, a group of local residents arrived at the Central Park’s Gazebo to hold a day-long Brandon Pride Event out of the rain.
Sen. Leahy to retire in 2022
After eight terms and nearly five decades in office, U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is retiring.
Scott to call lawmakers back into session to allow town mask mandates
Under pressure from Democratic leaders in the Legislature to do more to stem a record-breaking surge in cases, Gov. Phil Scott has offered a compromise.