Quarry Valley School Board announces construction


WEST RUTLAND — Principal James Slenker announced the various changes that will be made to the West Rutland High School building this summer, including painting two hallways, three staircases, and three classrooms, as well as installing five promethium boards, and putting heat pumps into the library.

At West Rutland Preschool, two small 12-foot-by-12-foot gazebos are being built thanks to a grant. They are also installing some new playground equipment, including swings.

Construction of a septic system will also take place near the Poultney High School as the board accepted a permit from a neighboring landowner who will be building a potable well and installing a septic tank on the outer edge of the school’s outfield that touches his property line. The well and septic tank is far enough from the school not to have an impact on school activities, the board decided.


The board approved all recommendations for support and extracurricular staff contracts, as well as resignations and leave requests.

Members also approved education records policy F-4 that recognizes the importance of accurate, confidential, and appropriate education records.


Board members Lisa Mattison and Gregory Conners presented the sample transcript that all schools in the Quarry Valley district will use, which included extracurriculars from paid work outside of school, to sports to volunteering. The idea was to represent students’ activities and interests on a more holistic scale.

Board discussion will continue as they close in on a finalized revised version at the meeting on July 19.


Superintendent Sell confirms in-person learning in the fall unless there is another state of emergency.

Sell announced that school meals are available to be picked up from schools through the summer and for residents to let the school principal know if you want to be enrolled in the program.

The Communications Committee, run by Kristen Ross, is revamping the website so it is more attractive and user friendly. The committee will be making sure the links work and make timely updates, such as when events are cancelled.

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