My first five weeks in the Vermont Legislature have been busy! Each day is fascinating, with new challenges and policy decisions to made about issues that are important to Vermonters. I have been pleased that the legislature truly does work together – with the Democrats, Republicans and Progressives voting nearly unanimously to pass bills that have come to a floor vote. I thought that you might be interested in a short list of some bills that have recently passed the House :
H.7 An act relating to second degree aggravated domestic assault
H.19 An act relating to sexual exploitation of a person in law enforcement officer custody
H. 39 An act relating to the extension of the deadline of school district mergers required by the State Board of Education
H.47 An act relating to the taxation of electronic cigarettes
H.63 A act relating to the time frame for return of unclaimed beverage container deposits
H.135 An act relating to the authority of the Agency of Digital Services
In my daily sessions in the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development we are hearing much testimony about the need for employees in nearly every occupation. Most dire are the needs in healthcare, construction, CDL and advanced manufacturing. I would encourage anyone looking for a job, or new career, to look at available jobs at or . In addition, check out certificate programs and degree opportunities at CCV or Vermont Technical College. Locally, Stafford Technical Center has a wide variety of adult education programs that can help you get the job you want!
There are several interesting events happening this week. On February 21st, the legislators will be voting for the Adjutant General of the Vermont National Guard. Interestingly, Vermont is the only state to select the leader of its National Guard in this manner. There have been many informational sessions, as well as opportunities to meet one on one with each candidate. In addition, we will be choosing three legislators to serve on the University of Vermont Board of Trustees. On Monday February 26th, the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations will be seeking public input on the FY 2020 budget. Please feel free to attend the meeting at the Longfellow School Building in Rutland from 6 – 7 PM.
Did you know that there is a free concert or performance held each Wednesday night in the Vermont Legislature? The Farmers Night Concert Series is a longstanding State House tradition. Artists from around the state, in genres ranging from classical music to bluegrass to barbershop, perform in the well of the House Chamber each Wednesday night during the legislative session. I would welcome you to attend – let me know if you will be there and I will join you!
I am continuing to hold “Office Hours” in each of the towns which I represent. I thoroughly enjoyed my first two office hours and chatting about issues and what it is like to serve as a legislator. The upcoming meetings will be as follows:
3/2/19 Brandon Free Public Library from 11:00 – 12:30 pm
3/9/19 Maclure Library from 11: 00 – 12:30 pm
3/18/19 Sudbury Town Clerk’s Office 11:00 – 12:30 pm
Please let me know if you are planning a visit to the Statehouse – I would be happy to meet with you! I can be reached at or at 802-828-2228. I welcome your questions or comments on any issue which is important to you.
Stephanie Zak
VT House of Representatives
Brandon, Pittsford, Sudbury (Rutland-6)
PO Box 65, Brandon VT 05733