After being open for just seven weeks, the new owners of The Market on West Street in Proctor report that business has been good.
New owners, Chris and Jennifer Curtis,
“We’re seven weeks in now and there’s been steady flow,” owners Chris and Jennifer Curtis reported last week. “We’ve met so many good people and things are going so well.”
The couple and store have already established a reputation for providing tasty, inexpensive meals made fresh daily as well as having the essentials that residents in Proctor need. They said they have seen many repeat customers and customers who traveled to Proctor just to try the food.
“We’ve had people from all over come in,” Jennifer said. “We had some people from Rutland today who said they heard how good the sandwiches are and drove over.”
The couple printed 500 to-go menus and those were gone in two weeks. Jennifer said she is having 1,000 more menus printed.
“We make hot dinners every day and they go so fast,” she said. “People call in to have us reserve a plate for them because they’re going so fast.”
One of the things they weren’t exactly prepared for was the long hours they keep as storeowners.
“As a nurse, and Chris was in landscaping, we’re both used to working hard and keeping long hours,” Jennifer said, “but I don’t think we appreciated how much time it takes to put in to make a local store successful.”
The two are enjoying the work, however, and are looking forward to the future.
“It’s been great,” said Chris. “People are enjoying the food and I’m interested to see what the fall and winter bring. Hopefully good food and hot soup will bring people in once it gets cold.”