PITTSFORD—The Pittsford Selectboard convened on Wednesday, March 5 for its first meeting after last week’s elections. The membership of the Board remained unchanged: Alicia Malay, David Mills, Tom Hooker, Mark Winslow, and Dan Adams.
The Board’s first task was to elect officers. Alicia Malay was chosen as Chair, David Mills as Vice-Chair, and the Town Manager as Recording Clerk.
The Reporter was appointed Pittsford’s official newspaper of record.
The Board approved its regular schedule of first and third Wednesday of the month.
The following appointments were also made:
- Delinquent-Tax Collector: Ann Reed
- Animal Control Officer: Richard Bowman
- Fuel Coordinator: Ann Reed
- Tree Warden: Robert Ketcham
- Fire Warden: Bradley Keith
- Fence Viewers: Mark Winslow, W. Joseph Gagnon, Sr., David Mills
- Rutland Regional Planning Commission: Donna Wilson, Ann Reed (alternate)
- Rutland County Solid Waste District: Nancy Gaudreau, Bill Drummond
- Rutland Regional Transportation Council: Alicia Malay, Ann Wilson & Chad Eugair (alternates)
- Emergency Management Director: Timothy Cornell
- Recreation Committee (3-yr terms): Jennifer Popp, Kelley Connaughton
- Enhanced 911 Coordinator: Jeff Biasuzzi
Town Manager report
Interim Town Manager Ann Reed delivered her report to the Selectboard, the full text of which is reprinted in this issue.
Among the items mentioned, Ms. Reed noted that 47 water shut-off notices have been sent out to delinquent accounts. If arrangements have not been made for payment, water will be turned off beginning on March 18th. Forms for payment plans have been included with the letters.
Ms. Reed also noted that she has revived the practice of holding staff meetings, which Board Chair Alicia Malay commended, saying that the meetings were necessary to keep communication open between the town and its employees.
Ms. Reed stated that Pittsford PD had logged double the number of responses over the previous year, with 1068 compared to 589. Much of the increase in volume was because of an increase in traffic stops.
Reed also informed the Board that the heating unit in the First Response building needed to be replaced. While Proctor Gas currently has the contract for the fuel, Board Member Mark Winslow asked that other quotes be obtained for the repair.
Selectboard remarks
Ms. Malay noted that the Pittsford Food Shelf was in need of eggs, since its usual donor was unable to continue given current prices.
ATV Ordinance
The Board approved an ordinance allowing the use of ATVs on Class 2, 3, and 4 town highways. The town attorney had reviewed the latest draft and had no issues with it.
“That’s all we were waiting for,” said Ms. Malay.
Town Hill Road
The Board had received a request of a resident who lives near Town Hill Road to gate off the non-residential portion of the road to prevent the illegal dumping of trash.
The Board determined that the proposed locations for the gate couldn’t be used because the road was still Class 3 at that point.
Mr. Winslow noted that he had received negative feedback about the proposal from several town residents. Ms. Reed said that the highway department hadn’t noted excessive activity on the road. Mr. Mills suggested that “local traffic only” signs be installed. Ms. Malay suggested that more police presence might deter people seeking to dump their refuse.
Review of Town Meeting results
433 people had voted on Tuesday, March 4. For Moderator, Rob Spensley received 45 out of 80 votes. The Board praised the job he did at Town Meeting and appointed him Moderator for another 1-year term.
Alicia Malay, running unopposed for Selectboard, received 362 votes. There were 10 write-ins and 61 blanks.
David Mills, running unopposed for Selectboard, received 367 votes. There were 9 write-ins and 57 blanks.
Butch Shaw, running unopposed for Trustee of Public Funds, received 383 votes. There were 7 write-ins and 43 blanks.
The Board discussed ways to improve turnout for the floor votes on the Monday before Town Meeting. Suggestions included providing food, holding the floor votes on the weekend, and providing childcare.
“We should keep this conversation open,” said Malay.
The Board also discussed ways to recruit more volunteers for the Recreation Committee, which currently has two vacancies and will likely have more in the next year or two. Mr. Winslow suggested sending letters directly to the parents of children that were enrolled in Rec programs.
Highway posting
The Board approved its annual list of roads to be posted during mud season, when weight limits are imposed in order to preserve dirt roads that have been softened by melting snow and ice.
Highway Grants
The Board approved budget worksheets for grants from the Agency of Transportation.
Coin Drop for the Rutland County Humane Society
The Board considered an application for a coin drop from the Rutland County Humane Society RCHS, which is headquartered in Pittsford. The event is proposed for Saturday, October 11 from 10 to 2. During the event, representatives from RCHS will stand on Route 7 near the intersection with Furnace Road and ask passing cars to donate money. Other organizations, such as the Maclure Library, have held such drops.
Ms. Malay raised the issue that RCHS did not follow safety protocols in their coin drop last year, risking injury to their representatives. Mr. Winslow proposed tabling the application until the Board receives a signed letter from RCHS stipulating that it will abide by established safety guidelines this year. Ms. Malay agreed to table the application pending further discussion with RCHS.