Pittsford SB talks gravel, conduct, and helmets


PITTSFORD—The Pittsford Selectboard convened for its regular meeting on Wednesday, August 21. At the beginning of the meeting, board member Mark Winslow requested revisions to the minutes from the board’s August 7 meeting to reflect more accurately the discussion that the board had had regarding allegations by a resident of improper conduct on the part of Pittsford Town Manager David Atherton.

At the August 7 meeting, the owner of a business on Route 7 in Pittsford village alleged that Mr. Atherton had used abusive language toward him when he asked that Mr. Atherton find a way to prevent silt and gravel from collecting in the parking lot of his business after heavy rains. The business owner claimed that the debris had not collected in his lot before the town redid the sidewalks last fall.  

The business owner and Mr. Atherton had already discussed the situation several times, with Mr. Atherton directing the town highway department to clean up the debris twice. The business owner had been pressing Mr. Atherton to find a permanent solution, as opposed to periodic clean-ups. Mr. Atherton stated that it seemed that the debris was coming from neighboring private properties and not from any town property. Therefore, he said, the solution should be handled among the neighbors.

The business owner alleged that during a confrontation at the Pittsford Town Office, Mr. Atherton used unacceptable language and threatened him. Mr. Atherton replied that the business owner had become aggressive and insulting toward him. Assistant Town Manager Ann Reed, who witnessed the interaction, supported Mr. Atherton’s version of events.

“I probably shouldn’t have called him what I called him,” said Atherton, “but after the conversation got a little heated up, it seemed like the appropriate thing to say. And I can tell you it’s the first time I’ve said that as town manager. People need to know where the line is between work-related and personal.”

The board suggested that the business owner speak with his neighbors about the runoff. Board Chair Alicia Malay also said that the allegations about Mr. Atherton’s conduct would be addressed in executive session.

It was agreed at the August 21 meeting that the August 7 minutes would be revised and resubmitted for approval at the next board meeting.

The board also discussed complaints from residents regarding the bridge construction at the intersection of Route 7, Route 3, and Oxbow Road. The town has received complaints that the construction machinery blocks the view of traffic on Route 7, making entering the road from side streets dangerous. The town has also received complaints that the VTrans crew was working past official work hours. The board clarified that the crew is permitted to work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., though it had been erroneously stated at one point that the crew had to stop by 5 p.m.

The board approved the purchase of 20 helmets for the Fire Department, with half of the $8,970 cost coming from the Fire Department’s town budget and half from the Hose Company.

The board approved a warrant for $78,263.17 to cover the town’s obligations and expenses. This included $3,475.35 for repair to a police vehicle that was damaged when the operating officer backed into a telephone pole on Route 7 after a traffic stop. Insurance has reimbursed the town for all but $1,000 of that amount.

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