BRANDON—Skip Jennings, 93 years old, led off the tournament with a beautiful drive right down the middle of the fairway on hole #1. He helped build the course in 1958 and has been playing there ever since. Fifty-six teams of two partners each played 2 rounds of golf amid glorious weather. The golf course was in excellent shape, most notably the greens. Competitors commented about the greens, “they were lighting fast,” “the ball rolled true,” and “wow, there were some big breaks.” The first round played Saturday was better ball of the partners while on Sunday the competition was a 2-man scramble. A “scramble” is when both players hit each shot and select the best one to use. It can result in some low scores. The winners were: Championship flight—Bradshaw Underhill and Robert Underhill, First flight—John Dula and Greg Wells, Second flight—Kobe Pinkham and Kyle Pinkham, Third flight—Greg Kaszuba and Jeff Shaefer, Fourth flight—Jerry Kennedy and Jack Sheehan.