There is an old adage from Spanish philosopher George Santayana, and later Winston Churchill, that says, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” I totally agree with this adage.
Year: 2023
National Bank of Middlebury settles into Brandon home
The National Bank of Middlebury (NBM) officially cut the ribbon on its new location at 6 Park Street in downtown Brandon on Wednesday, August 2, after a months-long renovation of the historic mid-1800s brick edifice known as “the Photographer’s Building.”
Rampaging robots: Kids bring LEGOs to life in Brandon
If you ever wondered how humanity’s subjugation will go down, you can rest easy knowing that our robot overlords will commence their global conquest at the American Legion in Brandon, where a group of kids just finished a weeklong Robotics Camp sponsored by the Brandon Rec Department.
Names lost in Vermont, Part 5
Before the Civil War, with only one other married couple named Naylor born in Canada living in central Vermont, it led me to hypothesize the name originally had been Cloutier, from the French word clou, meaning nail.
Beer garden at Green Park brings the town together
On a fabulous August day, the Red Clover Ale Company hosted a beer garden in Green Park in downtown Brandon.
HOPE food truck returning to Shoreham
On Thursday, August 17 between 2 and 3 PM, the HOPE Food Truck will be in the parking lot of the Shoreham Congregational Church to offer free non-perishable items as well as available fresh produce on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cliffs clear to hike and climb post peregrine falcon nesting season
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has confirmed that all the young falcons have learned to fly and should not be disturbed by human presence on the cliffs.
Notes from the pulpit: A clarification of my intent
If you correspond with me, you may have noticed that the farewell phrase I often end my communications with is “God’s Peace.” Not long ago, someone engaged me about the intent of this phrase, given the vast numbers of individuals and communities whose predominant experience is a real lack of peace.