BPD announces new program to help families coping with dementia

One of the most devastating experiences for a family coping with Alzheimer’s disease and similar afflictions is to have a loved one wander away from home and become lost. To give families some degree of security, the Brandon Police has set up the Sheepdog Program. This program assists not just those suffering from Alzheimer’s, but also those with Dementia and elderly individuals at risk of wondering off and getting lost. Registration in the program is completely voluntary. To participate, please complete the attached registration form available on-line at the Brandon Police Department website at https://www.townofbrandon.com/departments/police/ and return it to the Brandon Police Department with a recent photograph. 

The completed form, along with the picture you provide is then placed in a confidential file with the police department. In the event your family member wanders off or gets lost, contact the police department and a description as well as other information concerning the person will be promptly dispatched to officers on-duty and if necessary, the local media. If you do not have a recent photograph or need help in filling out the form, the Brandon Police Department will take the photograph of the family member and assist with the completion of the registration form if necessary. We strongly encourage anyone concerned about a loved one, who tends to wander and is at risk, to register that person in our program. This is a free community service offered through the Brandon Police Department. 

Just like a sheepdog watching over their flock, the Brandon Police Department wants to keep our seniors and most vulnerable individuals safe from harm. Information gained through this program would greatly help us in reducing the possibility of a tragedy should one of our elderly or vulnerable community members wander off or get lost. For more information or questions, please contact the Brandon Police Department at (802) 247-0222 or e-mail Administrative Assistant Linda Graziano at Linda.Graziano@Vermont.gov.

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