Brandon Artists Guild goes big for ‘Large Works’


ARTISTS GUILD MEMBER Ashley Wolff stands with her Mexican Day of the Dead-inspired watercolor in the Guild’s new show. Wolff lives on Lake Dunmore and takes inspiration from the scenes she sees there throughout the year. Here, ice fishing. Photos by Steven Jupiter

BRANDON—The Brandon Artists Guild (BAG) opened its new show on Friday.  “Large Works” presents large-scale works by 18 artists in a variety of media: painting, sculpture, textile & fiber, pottery, and photography.  Stylistically, the work covers a broad range, from representational to abstract, with many shades and hybrids in between.

“I am thrilled with the beauty and variety of the artwork,” said Judy Reilly, chair of BAG’s Display Committee, which oversees the installation of exhibits.  “It demonstrates the amazing talents of our family of artists.”

There are whimsical wooden sculptures by Robin Kent, a botanical collage from Beth Murphy, a striking painting by Liza Myers that could best be described as symbolic realism, paintings inspired by 19th-century folk art by Dolores Furnari, a lamp by Stacy Stanhope with a ceramic base bearing her signature animals, a fiber “painting” of monarch butterflies by Muffy Grollier, and a Mexican-influenced watercolor by Ashley Wolff, just to name a few.  In the rear of the gallery, in a separate dedicated space, are several forceful paintings by renowned artist Warren Kimble.

Photo by Steven Jupiter

“Large-scale works are unusual for many artists for several reasons,” said Reilly. “They take up more space, more time, and cost more in supplies.  But sometimes you just have to go big!  It’s an exhilarating adventure.  It’s more of a journey of discovery than with a small work.”

“Large Works” runs through April 30th.  

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