Refurbished West Rutland Marsh boardwalk debuts

THE WEST RUTLAND Marsh in the early 1900s. Though pro- tected wetlands today, it was the scene of industry and work- er housing back in the day. Photos provided.
THE REFURBISHED BOARDWALK in the West Rutland Marsh.

Through a generous donation, Rutland County Audubon has been able to successfully refurbish nearly the entire boardwalk on Marble Street at the West Rutland Marsh. Our carpenter, Dennis Duhaine, did a wonderful job of making the well-worn, oft-used, (and unfortunately, vandalized) structure look fresh and new, as well as making it safer for all to use. Please come out and see it for yourself and enjoy the view and the birds at our feeding station there.

At the boardwalk entrance is an informative kiosk, which is also awaiting refurbishing due to weather and vandalism. Next to the kiosk is our feeding station with various feeders and seeds, surrounding an old cellar hole. 

According to the West Rutland Historical Society, there were several tenement houses near that spot before 1930.  There was a one-family house, probably the cellar hole that is still visible.  There was also a 3-family tenement facing Water Street.  There were also two tenements on the narrow strip in front of the old lime plant and a tenement just beyond the marble wall, all facing Marble Street.

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