Democrat Anna Tadio is who was born and raised in Rutland, Vermont. She graduated from Rutland High School and studied political science and Environmental Studies at UVM. After graduating from Lewis & Clark Law School, she says she “led students on adventure and community service trips across the U.S. and around the world. Spending time in nature influenced my commitment to environmental protection here in Vermont.
She is currently an attorney for the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, working to assist refugees in obtaining lawful status in the USA and is a member of the Rutland City Board of Aldermen.
“I value family, community, and an open and accessible government that works for ALL people,” she says.
Anna Tadio for State Senate
Prop 5/Article 22
“I fully support a woman’s right to make decisions for herself and what is best for her and her family. We have a unique opportunity to permanently enshrine reproductive rights in Vermont. We can and we must pass the Reproductive Liberty Amendment! We can be a model for other states and for our federal government.”
Mental-health services
“We must increase access to needed mental health services. I have heard from many constituents that the wait times to see mental health providers are months long. We can and we must do more to increase access to mental health services for all ages.
“We must invest in more telehealth opportunities and support people to receive services in their homes.”
Workforce development
“We must invest in programs to support workforce development. We can grow our economy by investing in our workforce. Programs like Stafford Technical Center at Rutland High School are a great place to start and we can offer more vocational training programs in addition to investing in higher education for Vermont’s youth!”
“Vermont can benefit from being a more accepting and inclusive community [that] welcomes all people. We grow through diversity and I will spearhead efforts to make our community more inclusive for ALL people regardless of their race, skin color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or religion.”
Public Education
“As a Rutland City student who went through our public schools, I know how important our public education system is for many Vermonters. We need to continue to invest in our public education and in our teachers.”
Gun control
“I support our Second Amendment rights. I also believe in reasonable gun control and measures that can improve public safety, such as closing the ‘boyfriend loophole.’”
Business development
“We can support our businesses by ensuring we have the infrastructure to support them. Our state legislature can support TIF (Tax Increment Finance) districts in our local communities to revitalize downtown areas and attract more businesses.”
“We must support our local farmers and increase access in our communities to locally-grown, organic food that benefits our health. We must support our maple industry and our dairy farmers.”
Immigration to Vermont
“Immigrants benefit our community greatly by increasing cultural diversity and assisting our workforce and increasing our tax base. I am currently an Immigration Attorney for the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), and before I began this job, I worked for USCRI as a job developer. I worked to find newly arrived Afghans jobs and watched them successfully integrate into the community and contribute to our society. Immigrants benefit Vermont.”
Police Reform
“We need a holistic approach to community policing. We need to invest in more Community Resource Officers to take some of the burden off our sworn officers”.