Proctor selectboard discusses ongoing paving and water issues


PROCTOR — At a brief meeting on Monday, August 8, the Proctor select board members discussed matters concerning the Highway Department, Board of Water Commissioners, Board of Sewage Commissioners, and Town Manager’s Report. 

The meeting, which took place in person, was only a half-hour long due in part to a lack of public comments. Thus, the meeting moved swiftly to the members’ discussion and action items. 

As for highways, Proctor residents should expect milling and paving to have begun on August 8. Milling and paving are slated on Gibb, Taylor Hill, Bluff, and Florence streets.

Select board members also went on to discuss projects in water and sewage. 

In the town manager’s report, selectboard members discussed applying for the 2023 Historic Preservation Grant to revitalize historic buildings. No decision was made.

The meeting closed with some action items from the board, including the appointment of Anthony Preston as Zoning Administrator. 

After about half an hour, the meeting went into executive session to handle personnel matters. 

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