BRANDON — When things need to get done, look to the Brandon community to help.
The Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington, Vermont is a care facility for United States veterans. According to their mission statement, they provide best of class services and advocacy for veterans, their spouses and Gold Star parents.
The Auxiliary of the Fair Haven Legion decided to do a collection of needed supplies to augment services at the Veterans Home and, of course, Silver Bells and Operation Christmas for Troops of the Brandon Area Toy Project stepped up to help.

With the support of Brandon House of Pizza as a local drop spot, the teams — led by Ally Brown, Crystal Ketcham and Lisa Eastman — collected two full SUVs full of requested supplies for the veterans.
Cathy Tester, state commander of the American Legion, and Emily Stockwell of the Fair Haven Auxillary came over to pick up the supplies, which will be used for recreation and support of the vets.
Many thanks to the generous donors of our area, to BHOP, to the leaders of Operation Christmas for Troops (Ally Brown) and Silver Bells (Crystal Ketcham) to the great kids who stepped in to help — Ashlynn and Autumn Ketcham, and Brayven and Huck Brown. Great job, everyone!