BRANDON — Last week, the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union School Board decided to choose its next lead administration in-house, tapping Kristin Hubert, the district’s Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, to be its next superintendent.
Hubert will replace retiring Superintendent Jeanné Collins on July 1, 2022.
Hubert, who has accepted the position, has worked for the district for three years.
“I am excited to serve the communities and students of RNESU in this position,” Hubert said. “I have great respect and appreciation for our teachers, administrators and staff for their unwavering commitment to students and families. I look forward to continuing to support the great work already underway in our system.”
RNESU Board Chair Laurie Bertrand noted that three years in the district has given Hubert a chance to learn the schools and the people they serve. Rutland Northeast provides pre-K through high school education to kids in Brandon, Leicester, Whiting, Goshen, Sudbury, Chittenden, Mendon and Pittsford.
“We are very excited that Kristin will be our next superintendent,” Bertrand said. “She has done a phenomenal job of leading our curriculum and assessment program for the past three years, particularly during COVID and the switch to remote learning. She is familiar with our communities and our staff and students and will bring continued stability to our district as we continue to evolve in our focus on student achievement.”
Prior to this position, Hubert served as teaching faculty at the Upper Valley Institute focused on supporting new and aspiring principals. She was an elementary school principal for 13 years in Rutland and Arlington and was an elementary teacher in Fair Haven before that. Hubert was named the National Distinguished Elementary Principal in 2016 and has served in a number of state level committees, including the Vermont Principal Association, Vermont Equity Practitioners Network, Vermont Equity Advisory Group and the Vermont Curriculum Leaders Advisory Board.
She teaches courses in principal preparation as an adjunct faculty at Castleton University.
Hubert, who grew up in Castleton, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Elementary Education from the University of Vermont, Master of Art in Educational Leadership from Castleton University, and an Educational Doctorate in Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leading from Northeastern University in Boston.
Hubert decided to apply for the superintendent’s post after the school board’s initial round candidates fell through and knowing she had the job skills to lead the district forward. In that round, the board had honed the list down to three candidates, but the lead candidate chose another job, and the other two candidates withdrew their interest, prompting the board to reopen its search. It also happens to be a year with high leadership turnover in Vermont’s school districts with a dozen school districts in the state seeking new superintendents.
Bertrand said the board was thrilled when Hubert came forward with her interest, saying she knew the community, faculty, students and school programs and would be able to “hit the ground running.”
RNESU is comprised of six schools with two distinct school districts, Otter Valley and Barstow, representing eight towns.