Pittsford selectboard reviews mask mandate, draft budget


PITTSFORD – The Pittsford Selectboard heard from Representative Butch Shaw about a bill – introduced Monday – that will allow for Vermont municipalities to pass mask mandates independent of state rulings.

Shaw said the bill will permit municipalities to make their own decisions regarding mask mandates. Under the bill, municipalities will also be the enforcers of the mask mandates.

Shaw said the bill sunsets April 30 and that town selectboards will have to reassess mask mandates every 30 days.

The Pittsford selectboard mostly did not have a preference over whether the bill passed and said they felt comfortable with Shaw voting on it either way. 

The bill was passed by the state legislature on Monday during a special session and signed by Gov. Scott on Tuesday. It becomes effective immediately. 

Other Business

  • The selectboard reviewed a second proposed draft for next year’s budget. Discussion over the draft included conversation about the next town manager’s hiring package.
  • Assessor Lisa Wright spoke to the selectboard about incorporating GIS – which stands for geographic information system and which is often used to build maps  – into tax mapping to make the information easier to work with. The board was supportive and Wright said she would look into getting quotes for implementing the software.
  • Wright proposed changing the way personal property is appraised in Pittsford by outsourcing the responsibility to an individual who conducts personal property appraisals in Rutland. Wright said she would also look for other options of conducting property appraisals.
  • Wright also presented to the board the assessor’s office budget and staffing. Wright said she was unable to propose the budget information at the board’s Nov. 3 meeting due to a horse accident.
  • The selectboard unanimously passed amendments to BLSG bylaws that changed the name of the insect control district and tweaked rules about town membership.
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