The Otter Valley girls tennis program will return all but one player from last year. The squad will be made up of four seniors and three sophomores.
“The expectations for the team this year are to be competitive with our opponents but to have fun as well,” coach Hailey Watters said. “This will be my first year (ever) coaching a tennis team so I’m hoping we can learn and grow together.”
Due to six of the seven girls also being a part of the school’s “One Act Play” program, they have only had a limited number of practices.
“The girls all have pretty powerful swings and once we work on being more accurate I think they will be good at placement of their shots to win points,” Watters said.
The team has been focused so far on swings, serving and placing the ball, but as they are able to get more practice in they will focus more on footwork and serving.
Watters said their most difficult opponents will be Woodstock and Burr and Burton.
“They always bring their A-game when competing,” she said of those foes.Those tough matches will take place early in the season, as the Otters will go on the road against those two teams before hosting Rutland, all before the end of the month.