All photos by Dale Christie with exception of the photo of the horse, provided by Sharon Stearns
Category: This Week
Utah bell ringers to perform in West Rutland
The Wesley Bell Ringers will perform at St. Bridget Catholic Church at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, in West Rutland. This will be the fifth concert on the Utah-based choir’s 54th annual summer tour and will feature 16 teenage ringers playing more than 150 handbells and handchimes. The Wesley Bell Ringers formed in 1963 […]
Proctor special town meeting, bond vote set for today
By RUSSELL JONES The Proctor Selectboard will ask voters to approve funding to make the Town Office ADA compliant at a special town meeting on Monday, June 3, and will hold an Australian ballot vote the next day for a $330,000 bond. The board will ask voters to approve using $90,000 of accumulated surplus funds […]
Legislative session ends with House walking out on Senate
Additional money earmarked for vector control but not necessarily for mosquito districts By RUSSELL JONES The 2019 session of the biennium ended in a strange fashion for state representatives as the House adjourned before the Senate for the first time in four decades on Friday, May 24. Representative Butch Shaw, R-Pittsford, said this was one […]
VCET adds new partners
Having a great, groundbreaking idea is not the only ingredient necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. There are also many logistical concerns that need to be addressed. To help meet those needs, the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, VCET, recently announced new partnerships with five innovation hubs to boost startups, innovation and localized economic development […]
Disaster leads to inspiration, founding of The Carving Studio in West Rutland
By RUSSELL JONES The hidden gem that is The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center of West Rutland may never have existed if not for a convergence of the rich history of marble workers in the area, a disaster of epic proportions and a beautiful Italian community of artisans. “I finally found a group of sculptors […]
Movement underway to reclassify Otter Creek wetlands
By RUSSELL JONES An effort to reclassify the Otter Creek wetlands from a Class II wetlands to Class I is in the preliminary stages as the conservation commissions from Cornwall and Salisbury have formed a steering committee to petition the change. It is still very early on in the process and they still have much […]
Flower Girls have rich history in Brandon
By RUSSELL JONES For more than 100 years young girls have laid flowers on Memorial Day around the war memorial on Brandon’s Green. The Memorial Day service is a tradition that celebrates the sacrifices of soldiers long passed, starting not long after the Civil War and now encompassing all wars. The history of the flower […]