BRANDON — On Monday, the Brandon Select Board rescinded their vote to approve the placement of four signs suggesting to truck drivers that they should not use engine braking when driving through town. The original vote took place on Sept. 27 and was unanimous.
During the Town Manager’s Report, Select Board member Tim Guiles asked if the signs had been placed. Town Manager Dave Atherton indicated that they had not been put up because it was the state’s recommendation not to do it as the engine braking is an important emergency stopping feature for trucks.
Select Board member Tracy Wyman agreed that it was something that shouldn’t be done if the state was against it.
“I want to know why there wasn’t follow through on what we decided,” said Guiles.
“We should follow through or rescind the vote,” said Select Board Chair Seth Hopkins.
Wyman put forward a motion to rescind the original vote, which was seconded by Select Board member Brian Coolidge. The motion passed by a vote of three to two.
The select board also voted to accept a quote for proposal for cyber security for $3,168 from Silloway Networks. The service would cover the computers in the town office, wastewater, and highway department. There would be a one-time expense of $2,519 and an on-going monthly expense of $649.
Silloway Networks is local and would give Bill Moore, who currently fills the IT Director role, an opportunity to step back. “I am not certified, and I don’t have time to keep up with the changes,” he said. “We need to do this, we are exposed. We’ve been very lucky.”
The current support for cyber security is two hours away and not always available, according to Moore.
Atherton said this is something the state wants to see towns doing. “It is another kind of insurance, it is cheaper than what happened before,” he said.
The board voted unanimously to accept the proposal.
The select board also unanimously accepted a proposal for $11,200 from DuBois & King for engineering services on Bridge No. 6 on Arnold District Road. The work would include doing 10-foot borings to explore the subsurface as part of the project to replace the culvert on the bridge with a box culvert. The funds will come from the Highway Department budget, according to Atherton.
The discussion on the quote for the Union Street sidewalk project was postponed until the next select board meeting to allow for more financial information to be provided.
Atherton reported that the paving on the Conant Square Parking area has been completed but there was a delay in the lighting. He also reported that the stormwater swale was completed on the Center Street parking area, and the “No Overnight Parking” signs will be going up soon.
The town manager also addressed the teepees on the water fountains around town. He said they were wrapped so they can be weatherized so they’ll work next spring.
Following the select board meeting, the Liquor Commission met. They voted unanimously to approve the liquor license for Benson Village Eatery for the Wheel In for a drag show that will be taking place on Nov. 19, at 6:30 p.m. They also approved a serving permit to the Brandon Artist Guild for an event at their gallery on Nov. 12, at 5 p.m.