ROCHESTER- People gathered behind The BigTown Gallery in Rochester last Saturday, September 9th, to hear Ben Cosgrove, a talented composer-performer play his original compositions in gallery owners Annie and Doon’s beautiful garden. Ben is a musician, writer, and landscape enthusiast who travels and performs all over the country. He played a number of moving pieces, including some from his upcoming album, “Bearings.” “Ariel” is a song about the sky and can really bring you there. His music embodies the man-made and natural world in ways not fit to be transcribed into words.
Cosgrove had the same piano teacher from the age of 4 to 18. He remembers them saying about a certain piece of music, “Don’t you see how this is kinda like when it snows.” He went on to be a music major at Harvard and credits his liberal-arts education with his predilection to “find new things to be interested in and find ways to make music that explores it.” Regarding his music, Ben encourages folks to “take it if they want it and leave it if they don’t.”
Cosgrove has also played at Brandon Music in the past. Locally, he can be seen on Friday, October 13th at the Congregational Church in Richmond, Vermont. More information can be found at