The Vermont Legislature is back in session. It is an honor to represent Brandon in the Statehouse for my sixth session. Each year, I learn more about the intricate workings of our little state, the complexities of democracy, our workforce, and economy. I spend my week in Montpelier, leaving Brandon on Tuesday morning and returning on Friday evening. The hours are long – I spend at least 12 hours each day working on issues (large and small) that can move Vermont forward. I continue to serve as Vice-Chair of the Commerce and Economic Development Committee, University of Vermont Board of Trustees (legislative member), and I have recently been appointed to the Vermont Economic Progress Council (VEPC), among other responsibilities. I believe that we are all working together to build a Vermont that is better for all of us. The major issues continue to be housing, mental health, healthcare, workforce development, education, and economic growth.
H.158 Bottle Bill:
There was an exciting vote during the first week of session to modernize our decades-old bottle bill. The vote to override the Governor’s veto of H.158 expands our long-standing bottle redemption system and will greatly reduce the litter that ends up polluting our roads, lands, and waterways. The override received support from Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, and Independents, indicating broad consensus. This was the first bill of the session, it passed out of the House and is now in the Senate for their decision.
H.72 Overdose Prevention Pilot Sites:
This bill proposes to establish a pilot program for two overdose-prevention centers (Burlington and Brattleboro). All sites must be approved by the city before they can be started. The pilot project is being funded by Opioid Settlement money, not by tax dollars. This epidemic is a public health crisis, and we need to continue to act to save lives and help our communities. The first people to benefit will be individuals who are dealing with substance-use disorder, but the ripple effects of preventing overdose deaths extend to family, friends, communities, and state. H.72 will help save lives – we need to try as many options as available to curb this crisis in Vermont. The bill now heads to the Senate for additional consideration.
Commerce and Economic Development Committee:
The committee took testimony on Budget Adjustment Act requests that impact community and economic development. This included testimony from the Adult Education and Literacy Network, United Way of Northwest Vermont on behalf of their Working Bridges program, as well as the Treasurer’s request on VT ABLE Savings Accounts and Unclaimed Property.
We also took testimony on S.30, an act relating to creating a permanent sister-state program, to advance education, business, cultural, and governmental exchanges. This bill would create a more permanent sister-state program for Vermont, while setting up guardrails that allow the governing entity to terminate the program, such as war or armed conflicts. We are looking to build upon the current program and programs already established through the VT National Guard. Our current sister state is Tretori Prefecture, Japan.
House Commerce also worked on captive insurance worker’s compensation housekeeping and technical fixes bills. Captive Insurance, although not widely known, brings in over $31M to our state and employs over 400 people.
We also heard testimony on the impact of the Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP) – which assisted businesses after the devastating July floods. We also learned more about the small-town municipal technical assistance program. The Regional Planning Commissions, Vermont Council on Rural Development and VT Historic Preservation Trust are assisting communities throughout the state in applying for ARPA grants – I want to see our small communities thrive and hopefully these funds can help with their infrastructure needs.
I am assisting our town with two bills this session – the merger of Brandon Fire District #2 into Fire District #1 and adding water and wastewater workers as “first responders” during a time of emergency. I was happy to discuss these two bills at last week’s Annual Meeting of the Fire District #1.
Throughout the legislative season and the off-session, I continue to support constituents with issues in state government. Please feel free to contact me at 802-683-8209 or sjerome@leg.state.vt.us.
Rep. Stephanie Zak Jerome (Brandon-6)
Commerce and Economic Development Committee – Vice Chair