This is the first in a series of interviews with Vermont artists. The questions are not exclusively about their work or practice; they’re also some fun queries meant to help us get to know them better.
Caleb Kenna is a nationally recognized photographer who grew up in Brandon and now lives in Middlebury. His photographs have been published in the The New York Times, National Geographic, Yankee, and Lonely Planet, among others. He has recently published a book of his popular drone photographs of Vermont, “Art from Above Vermont.” And now, without further ado…
What job would you have if you weren’t a photographer?
If I weren’t a photographer, I’d like to be a chef. I love food and culture and history and am always amazed how great restaurants consistently produce amazing food.
What conversation would you like to have with any dead artist?
I’d like to talk with Ansel Adams and see how he worked.
Describe the experience that led you to become a photographer?
I took a photography class in high school and one of the assignments was to photograph strangers. Ever since then I have loved to meet new people and engage with a camera. The drone [camera] allows me to soar and look and see patterns on the land.
Why live in Vermont?
I grew up in Vermont, but have lived in Thailand, Zimbabwe, California, New Mexico, and the US Virgin Islands. I have also traveled in India, Morocco, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. I love travel and cities, but I feel a freedom in Vermont to roam, breathe fresh air, and explore the natural and man-made landscapes.
What’s your favorite smell?
What book(s) are you reading right now?
The New Yorker
What does your daily routine look like?
Walk to school with my son and dog and, if the conditions are right, go out and take some photos for an hour or two. Work at the computer on editing, managing my archive, print sales, and assignments. Play tennis, make good food, take a walk, make dinner, watch Netflix.
How do you think about your work locally versus your national presence?
I am firmly based in Vermont but feel like I have reached a lot of people through social media interested in Vermont around the country. I also love it when I get the occasional assignment from The New York Times.
Given that your work is a capture of a single moment in time, is there a work of art that is time based (play, movie, song etc.) that you draw inspiration from?
I stream shows and movies each that somehow inspire and transport me to different places. I also like watching New Yorker documentary videos.
Is there a childhood object that you still have? (If not, is there one that you wish you still had?)
I grew up in a tea house built on a hill in Brandon in 1909 and I am still very much connected to that place and land.
What’s your ideal dinner—food, company, and location?
We have friends who are very good cooks, so that’s a real pleasure. We also like to have friends to our house. I cook a lot of Asian food. We also love restaurants, like Minifactory, The Tillerman, Pizzeria Verita, The Gray Jay, etc… We also love going to New York City for the great walking and eating.