FATHER MAURICE MOREAU recently celebrated his 25th an- niversary in the priesthood. “Father Moe” leads congregations at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Brandon and St. Alphonsus in Pittsford.
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On November 15, 2023, Father Maurice Moreau, OFM Cap celebrated his 25th anniversary in the Priesthood. He is the Pastor at Our Lady of Good Help (St. Mary’s) in Brandon and St. Alphonsus in Pittsford. “Fr. Moe” concelebrated a Mass at Our Lady of Good Help with several priests, brothers, and deacons, which included Monsignor Peter Routhier from Burlington. The organist and folk groups from both parishes performed beautiful hymns for the occasion. Following the Mass, the Otter Valley Catholic Community joined Father Moe for a potluck supper at St. Alphonsus Hall. About 150 parishioners from both parishes celebrated with him.