Adventures of Starship Bean #1


THE “STARSHIP BEAN,” a towed camper owned by George and Carol Fjeld of Brandon. Though compact, the camper has all the comforts of home and has been a terrific way to travel the country. Photo by George Fjeld

Starship Bean was dragged down muddy, bumpy roads to Groton State Forest and specifically New Discovery State Campground last week. An informal get-together of Brandonites new and old was planned last spring and mid-September chosen for its usual moderate temperatures and generally nice weather. Not so this year! Like the rest of our summer, this “Indian summer” was less than pleasant.  Gray cloudy skies and incessant rain partially spoiled a midweek adventure for a bunch of retired friends. Half the group showed up the first afternoon and had a good dinner under Bean’s waterproof awning. The following day brought more rain and muddy trails making biking and hiking short lived adventures. It was even too wet for much fishing! But the rest of the group showed up and a large tarp was erected for dinner. That was lucky, as the weather forecast for the end of the rain did not materialize and another dripping, chilly evening was endured. Well, it was better than that really. With the great food and plentiful libations and the company of good friends, the party managed to have a pretty good time. The weatherperson turned out to be right but a few hours off and the rain finally ended overnight. The third morning dawned bright  and chilly but the sun was quick to warm things up. A fabulous breakfast of French Toast with ricotta and fresh berries was accompanied by hash browns and bacon. Now what isn’t better with bacon? 

Sunshine renewed enthusiasm for outdoor adventures. Two groups of bikers headed in different directions, but 2 poor souls didn’t. One had a broken foot confining her to camp and the other is an inveterate fisherman. The camp nanny did some fine knitting and the fisherman managed a 2-pound smallmouth bass. Gathering back for lunch, wildlife sightings were compared. Bikers saw 2 small bears–probably this year’s cubs–and a bald eagle. They rescued a painted turtle from sure annihilation on the road. The fisherman had a close encounter with 2 loons and our nanny saw a chipmunk!

Starship Bean, named for her small size and shiny, futuristic appearance, performed admirably well. Here’s her account of the event:

I just got back from a dirty, rainy 3 days in a forest with no company and no connections. Can it get worse? I hate to think… Mind you, I’m pretty new and unsoiled, just built last winter in Ohio I’m proud to say. They dragged me on the worst roads, incredibly bumpy and gravely and I got filthy, and I mean grimy and streaky and BROWN! Almost like I was covered in you know what! Thank goodness They washed me.  Although it was a quick and hasty job, it did feel good to have my skin exposed so I can shine. Oh how I love to shine! And I like to be admired by whoever happens by, which always makes me proud. Some think I’m stuck up but I just really like to look good. I heard stories at the factory of other units that were dragged through all the worst conditions and places, then neglected and left to sit in their filthy disgusting skin! I’m really glad my operators gave me that cleaning.

But, you know, that trip wasn’t all that bad. My TV is great, just the right size and strength, no worries going up those mountain gaps or braking on the way down. His name is Bull (TV is clearly not a television but a tow vehicle for those of you unfamiliar with our jargon.) And the views were gorgeous, the roads twisty and turny, and for the most part pretty smooth except for the last bit I described before. The park we stayed at was lovely except for the isolation. I knew there were other units around but they weren’t too close, certainly not close enough for me to check them out. Until the last day, I almost forgot, when a long silver bullet pulled in across the way just as we were packing up. She had the nicest, smoothest skin, so shiny and silvery. She was long and had a huge TV so I figured at least a dozen people lived in her. Boy was I surprised when only 2 people got out! They set up 2 chairs and a tall pole with some kind of panel on it. Moved that around a bit, like they were looking for something in the sky. From where I was I couldn’t see anything. I hope they found it. Anyway, it was an interesting trip.

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