We will be accepting donations Sunday, June 25th, from 12:30-2 and Tuesday, June 27th, from 12-3.
Month: June 2023
Obituary: Janet Marie Lamoureux, 86, of Shoreham
She enjoyed playing the piano and fishing with her husband. She loved animals, flowers, and dancing.
Obituary: Kenneth William Dukette, 79, of Leicester
Kenneth William Dukette, age 79, passed peacefully, on Sunday, June 18, 2023, at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington.
Names lost in Vermont, Part 2: Mary Bird
Part 1 ended with the mystery of why Mary Bird’s date of death was not recorded on her gravestone in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Brandon.
Brandon’s ‘Fighting Fales’ was a moniker to be proud of
Could “Fighting Fales” be related to current firefighter Rob Fales?
Our Creative Kids: Lauren Green
In this picture there is a dragon trying to eat a bird. There is a cat jumping over a river. There is also a cat bus with a little cat getting into the bus.
Otter Valley students chosen for honors
BY STEVEN JUPITER BRANDON—Otter Valley juniors Elizabeth Atherton and Derek Li and Class of ’23 graduate Cadence Muth have been recognized for their achievements this past month. Cadence Muth received […]
BPD kept busy with traffic violations, domestic disturbances
Here’s what the Brandon Police Department was up to last week.
Gardening Corner: Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow
This is dedicated to everyone who grabs a shovel, fork, or hoe and puts seeds or plants in the ground, and waters them, weeds them, and hopes.