WHEREAS, Rutland City, Vermont recognizes the importance of fostering an inclusive and welcoming community for all individuals
Whereas: the LGBTQ+ community in Rutland City has made significant contributions to the city’s cultural, social, and economic fabric, enriching the lives of all residents;
Whereas: June has historically been recognized as Pride Month internationally, commemorating the Stonewall Rios of 1969, which catalyzed the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement;
Whereas: Pride Month serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the unique struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community, celebrate the diversity and resilience of LGBTQ+ individuals, and promote inclusivity and acceptance for all;
Whereas: the City of Rutland, Vermont recognizes the importance of fostering a community that is inclusive, diverse, and accepting of all its residents;
Whereas: the City of Rutland seeks to demonstrate its commitment to equality, justice, diversity, and dignity for all its residents, and to create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and celebrated;
Whereas: Pride Month presents an opportunity to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues, educate our community, and foster a spirit of inclusion and acceptance among our residents;
Now, therefore: the City of Rutland, Vermont hereby declares the month of June as Pride Month on this Saturday, June 17, 2023.
Michael Doenges, Mayor of Rutland City, Vermont