This is dedicated to everyone who grabs a shovel, fork, or hoe and puts seeds or plants in the ground, and waters them, weeds them, and hopes. You are amazing! First comes warm weather. You dig a hole. You till your soil. You wait for warm weather. The seed goes into the ground, or perhaps you put in a starter plant. They grow. Sometimes, as in the case of peonies and corn, the growth can be almost alarming. Other times it can appear dead, for years. Sometimes it really is dead. Come on, it’s been three years, let it go.
Topsy turvy weather occurs; it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, too soggy. We water, we stake, we weed, we cover and try to protect these baby plants from the harsh vicissitudes of life and weather. Then one sunny week in June, the magic happens. Just as the daffodils and last lilacs are fading, baby plants (vegetable and flowers) emerge, and flowers open. Sprinkle around some annuals and wow! Enjoy the magic. Enjoy all your hard work: so beautiful, so satisfying. At least until tomorrow morning, when you’ll be at it again: weeding, watering, planting, staking, and mulching. Let’s not even discuss harvesting ….