BRANDON–Moderator Karen Rhodes called the meeting to order at 7:01 on Monday evening and the colors were presented by BSA representatives Jon Carrara from Cub Scout Pack 110, Klara Hopkins from Troop 2019, and Addison Boynton from Troop 110. Jeff Carrara was the leader. The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Seth Hopkins acknowledged the dedication of the town report to Nifty Thrifty while inviting Lynn Wilson and Kathy Rauschenberger, 2 members of the philanthropic group to the podium. They were warmly welcomed and thanked.
Hopkins then presented an overview of the $3,346,150 budget, noting that 26% of the funds go to the Police Department and 25% to the Highway Department. The remaining 49% are divided among administration, debt service, intergovernmental, buildings and grounds, town clerk, recreation, and economic development. A sum of $100,000 from a surplus of $162,647 from last year’s budget was used to partially offset this year’s taxes. He thanked the Budget Committee, composed of Barry Varian, Doug Bailey, Janet Coolidge, Neil Silins, and Peter Werner, for their work in November and December to help the Selectboard put the budget together.
Brent Buehler voiced a question about adding a column to the budget to give the FY 21/22 numbers so one could see whether departments were over or under budget last year. Also requested were notes pertaining to the areas of the budget that changed significantly. It was noted that this had occurred previously.
Hopkins reviewed the history of the 1% option tax, which has been collected since 2016 on sales, meals, rooms, and alcoholic beverages. This revenue may only be spent on capital projects. Of the $1,117,717 raised to date, $708,291 has been expended on capital projects and equipment, including the Segment 6 downtown project. At present, $409,427 remains.
Stephanie Jerome was introduced to review her work in the Vermont Legislature. She focuses primarily on economic and workforce development. General legislative priorities of housing, childcare, climate, and workforce development dovetail well with her priorities. She welcomes input from any of her constituents.
With amazing timing, Dave Atherton, Brandon resident, former town manager and Selectboard member, walked into the Town Hall as Jerome was presenting a Vermont Public Service Award for his 8 years of service. He was greeted with a rousing standing ovation.
Jerome subsequently encouraged people to read the graphic novel, Freedom and Unity, an overview of democracy in Vermont produced by The Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction. Jerome also encouraged people to explore the Vermont State Treasurer’s website Unclaimed Property which has $11,000,000 in unclaimed funds.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.