As the House approaches the ninth week of the 2023 Legislative session, members of the House are very busy introducing, or have introduced for first reading, 378 individually sponsored bills for consideration. I fully expect by the end of this week, over 500 bills will have been introduced. Most of the introduced bills will never make it to the finish line and become law, because the process that a bill needs to travel for passage is intentionally difficult. It starts with 3 “readings” to the assembly.
The “first reading” is an introduction of the bill to the entire legislative body. It is given a bill number and then referred, by the Speaker, to the committee of jurisdiction in the subject matter of the bill. Once the proposed legislation is assigned, it then “goes on the wall” (yes, we do have a real wall for this purpose) where the members of the committee may or may not remove the bill from the wall. If the committee decides to “take” testimony from interested parties, we say the bill is “moving,” but this does not guarantee passage because if the testimony is weak, not truthful, or in doubt, the bill could be found not purposeful and the committee may place it back on the wall and take no further action. However, should the bill make it through the arduous committee process and be voted “out of committee” and moved to the Hall of Representatives (the floor) for a “second reading,” which includes a report from the committee of jurisdiction on the content and purpose of the bill, including any changes they have made to the original bill. The committee then asks the body for a positive vote on their presentation. At this point in the process, the bill will be debated on the floor which may involve interrogation of the member presenting the bill, personal opinions of some or all members as to their likes or dislikes in the proposal, possibly offering an amendment to the committee’s work. Or members may ask the assembly to move the bill to another committee for further review. Then, and only then, when all members have had a chance to speak, will a vote be ,taken on the legislation at hand. Should the vote be in the affirmative, the bill will be subject to a “third reading” the next legislative day and the debate and process from the previous day starts all over again. Should the bill be voted on affirmatively it will be passed on to the Senate for 3 more readings using the same procedures as the House and then, and only then, will the bill make it to the Governor’s desk for his signature if he finds it favorable!
I have spoken many times about the public’s open access to our Historic State House. I do remember the fateful day of March 13, 2020, when all legislators and staff were sent home so the building could be thoroughly sanitized to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Little did we know that suddenly Vermonters would be in the grip of an alarming quickly moving pandemic. Legislators and staff were finally allowed to return on a limited basis to the State House nearly 18 months later. Many members chose to still work from home and participate remotely while the public was not allowed to access the State House. The pandemic now seems to be transitioning to an endemic. Finally, in the summer of 2022, the public was able to enter the building on a restricted basis. I now am very happy to report that as of January 2023, the State House is fully reopened to the public, subject to The Rules of the Assembly. I am so grateful to see bus tours full of inquiring people, live witnesses in committee rooms testifying, and groups of school children visiting our “Working State House.” So, if you are so inclined, please visit the State House when the legislature is in session. It is truly an awesome experience to witness your state government in action, an experience you will never forget. If you are planning a visit, please contact me and I’ll make sure I will be available to you for a conversation and, if the House is in session, I would be delighted to introduce you to the entire assembly!
Recently House Speaker Jill Krowinski has appointed me to The Joint Committee on Legislative Management. This Joint (House & Senate) Committee is responsible for making policy decisions regarding the overall management of Legislative operations including staffing, Human Resources, State House Security, and other like topics. I am grateful for this appointment that is usually reserved for senior members of The General Assembly.
I can be reached at any time by email at, by phone at 802-483-2398, or by mail at PO Box 197, Pittsford, VT 05763. I am always available to have a conversation with you concerning our Legislative District and your Vermont State Government.
Representative Butch Shaw
Vice Chair-House Committee on Transportation
Chair-Rutland County Legislative Delegation