PLYMOUTH NOTCH — The President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site hosts the seventh annual Plymouth Notch Antique Apple Fest on Saturday, October 1, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This harvest celebration pays special tribute to the apple via the chance to view an heirloom apple orchard and sample vintage apple varieties.
The day begins at 10 a.m. with the fourth annual Coolidge 5K that winds through and around the historic village. The race will be professionally timed. Runners will want to arrive early to receive race materials and warm up. Prizes will be awarded to top race finishers ($100 cash prizes for the top male and female finishers).
Top finishers in each age category will also receive awards. Runners and non-runners are invited to participate in the “I Do Not Choose to Run” 1-Mile Walk, so named for Coolidge’s famous and characteristically concise declaration about his intention not to seek re-election for president in 1928. The walk begins after the 5K race and will also cover key sights around the historic grounds.
To register, contact the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation, coolidgefoundation.org/coolidge-5k.
At 1 p.m., a 45-minute film entitled “Vermont is a State I love” will be shown in the Union Church. The film explores the 1927 floods and subsequent recovery that inspired President Coolidge to deliver his beloved speech about “The Brave Little State of Vermont.” Following the film, President Calvin Coolidge impersonator Tracy Messer will welcome questions and comments from the audience.
Various activities and demonstrations are scheduled throughout the day, including cider pressing, spinning, knitting with circular sock machines, historic stenciling, lawn croquet, and self-guided tours at the Plymouth Cheese Factory.
Enjoy the music of the Stringfield Springers, an old-time band offering lively music for dancing. Don’t forget to bring a picnic or purchase a hot meal from the Fork in the Road food truck.
The President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site is open Tuesday through Sunday through October 16, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For further information and event listings, visit them online at www.historicsites.vermont.gov and on Facebook at Vermont State Historic Sites.