Insect control board gets new five-year permit


BRANDON — The Otter Creek Watershed Insect Control Board (OCWICD) met to discuss the next steps regarding the recent five-year renewal of their pesticide general permit (PGP) and to deal with issues surrounding the attendance of certain members of the board.

The board acknowledged the recent renewal of its PGP with minimal conversation but did express some difficulty with the data entry needed to file their public notice of intent (NOI) and enter into the public hearing phase due to various issues with the state’s website. The board approved an extension until August 1 to have the forms re-entered.

Concerns about certain members’ failure to attend board meetings dating back to last fall caused the board to amend its bylaws. The board voted in new bylaws stating that anytime a member missed five consecutive meetings, it would trigger the board to alert the member’s town and request the replacement of said member.

The bard also decided to send letters to the towns of Goshen and Pittsford to make them aware of their member’s failure to attend recent meetings.

In other news, the board:

  • Delayed a decision on the Art Doty memorial plaque’s location until the September meeting.
  • Agreed to maintain its current Zoom subscription for six months, at which time it would review the need to keep the online option for meeting attendees.
  •  Agreed to postpone publication of its trifold informational brochures until at least October to do an unforeseen increase in printing costs. 
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