Pittsford pursues equity, diversity


The Pittsford Selectboard discussed the implementation of a declaration of diversity and inclusion.

The implementation of the declaration is an effort to make Pittsford more welcoming and more attractive to families that may be interested in moving to the area.

“We think it’s the right thing to do for the equity and diversity of Vermont and we think it’s the smart thing to do,” said Bob Harnish, who brought the item to the selectboard.

Harnish explained that the declaration isn’t just a document. Its expression includes the possibility of hiring a professional to help with economic development and marketing, as well as welcoming newcomers to town with a “Welcome to Pittsford” packet.

Selectmen also discussed an upcoming Act 250 hearing regarding the redesign of the bridge at Oxbow Road and Route 7.

Community members again brought up VTrans’ 2015 plans for the site, which many consider to be safer than the current proposed redesign that would eliminate the historic green and slipway.

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• Haverstock has submitted a customized town manager job description and town profile to VLCT consultant Rick McGuire, who the town has hired to help find candidates for Haverstock’s position.

• Selectman Tom Hooker has been appointed to represent Pittsford on the Regional Emergency Management Committee.

• The selectboard authorized Town Manager John Haverstock to purchase and plant a few flowering crabapple trees to be planted along the Plains Road frontage.

Selectman Joe Gagnon had offered for the town to use some trees on his property. The offer was investigated by Highway Foreman Chad Eugair and it was determined that Gagnon’s trees may be too tall for the town’s needs.

• The board unanimously decided it will purchase rock salt for the winter from Cargill but may also end up buying salt from Apalachee.

• Selectmen voted unanimously to purchase a new fire truck hose from HSE, LLC.

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