PITTSFORD — Two well-known Pittsford landmarks were targeted in a late night burglary spree in Pittsford on Nov. 10.
Vermont State Police were dispatched to a reported burglary at Kamuda’s Market and Deli at 5 a.m. on Nov. 10. During the investigation, it was determined a female made forced entry into the market, causing damage.

Owner Brian Kamuda said the suspect broke through the large bay window to the left of the front door to gain access.
“They punctured a hole in it, it’s shatter resistant, and squeezed through,” he said. “Then they entered and looked to steal things.”
Kamuda said he did not want to go into detail as the investigation is ongoing. It is the second break-in at the store in a month. The first one occurred on Oct. 20, Kamuda said.
Troopers obtained video surveillance from Kamuda’s and a very clear image of the alleged burglar was captured on video surveillance from the library. It shows a woman with long blond hair.
During the investigation into the Nov. 10 break-in at Kamuda’s, a second burglary was discovered across the street at the Maclure Library.
“We came in at 9:30 a.m. to some cleaning because we’re normally closed that day, said librarian Liz Soulia. “And we discovered two broken windows in the children’s area downstairs and books thrown on the floor. I thought maybe a rock was kicked up from the parking lot and went through the window.”
But then Soulia said she and fellow librarian Angela French went upstairs and that’s when Soulia knew there had been a break in.
“I just saw books all over the floor, paper strewn all over, a potted plant was broken,” she said. “The windows at the bottom of the stairs were broken.”
She said Royal Glass came right away t replace a total of nine panes of glass, much of the glass original to the historic 1895 building.
Soulia said Royal Glass will be back this week to replace the front windows as well. Although they were not broken, Soulia said there were large dents in the windows as if someone had picked up handfuls of rocks and gravel from the parking lot and thrown them at the windows. The front windows are original to the historic building as well, she said.
As far as what was taken, Soulia said the suspect took loose change out of a box the library keeps for donations people make when they return really overdue books.
“We have a box on the front counter, ironically called “The Guilt Box,” Soulia said. “They took about $5 worth of change out of that, mostly pennies. Then they somehow got their fingers into the plastic coffee donation box. There was blood on it and about $2.25 in there.”
It’s unknown how the suspect cut themselves, most likely on glass, but Soulia said there was blood on books that were thrown out, on the counters and other items.
But she said all of the damage was repairable, and she and the library staff are grateful more was not destroyed.
“Thankfully, none of our painting, and the old clock, the stained glass, none of that was broken or damaged,” Soulia said. “I will take a couple of bloody books over that any day.”
Kamuda said that he hopes the still image from his surveillance video will help police locate the suspect.
“I hope they will identify her,” he said. “There’s definitely a feeling of vigilance in town. The folks in the community are all being vigilant, you know, if you see something, say something. Our community members cares about our business and the community, so that’s good.”
Police believe the burglaries are connected and are still investigating. The Vermont State Police are seeking assistance from the public. The burglaries are believed to have been committed between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. on Nov. 10. If anyone drove by the area and noticed anything suspicious between those hours, they are asked to contact Vermont State Police.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Vermont State Police, Rutland Barracks. Anonymous tips also may be submitted online at https://vsp.vermont.gov/tipsubmit. All tips and information regarding this incident should be referenced to Trooper Katrina R. Ducharme, (802) 773-9101