Board gets creative on town hall roof project

Sale of abandoned property could fund project increase


BRANDON — The select board here may have found a way to pay for a much-needed roof addition to the Brandon Town Hall.

The town has proposed building an addition over the walkway and entrance to the ground floor meeting space of the Town Hall. Ice and snow from the main roof falls on the area in the winter, creating an extremely dangerous situation for the public, not to mention a liability. It is also the only entrance to the hall for those with mobility issues.

The town got an original estimate of $35,000 for the work. The town committed $20,00 and the Friends of the Brandon Town Hall committed $15,000. However, after the project required some re-engineering, the estimate grew by an additional $20,000. Town officials had hoped to have the new roof addition completed before this winter, but the project has been on hold due to the increased cost.

At its July 13 meeting, Town Manager Dave Atherton told the board that two bids had been received for a property at 44 Prospect Street. The property just up from the St. Thomas Episcopal Church is an abandoned house in very poor condition and when owner George Dinn died in 2012, there were back taxes owed on the property. Atherton had suggested to the board at the June 22 meeting that the property be put up for sale. The board unanimously approved selling the property for $29,000. The town appraisal on the property is $109,000.

Atherton said the town received a bid for $20,000 and another for $30,500. Per the town’s new policy on the sale of town property, the bids are announced and any action by the board is held over until the next meeting to afford others the opportunity to bid.

Separately at the July 13 meeting, there was also discussion regarding how the town could find the money to pay for the roof addition. After several minutes of discussion, Selectman Doug Bailey suggested taking the proceeds from the sale of 44 Prospect Street and putting them toward the roof addition to make up the added cost of the project.

“That’s a great way to look at it, Doug,” Atherton said. “It’s up to you guys.”

The board will consider the suggestion at its next meeting on July 27.


The board made a number of appointments to town boards and commissions. There is still a vacancy on the Brandon Leicester Salisbury Goshen Insect Control District for a Brandon representative. Atherton has agreed to fill in until someone else accepts the position. Any Brandon resident interested in serving on the BLSG Board should contact Dace Atherton at the Brandon Town Office, 247-3635, or

• Samantha Stone was re-appointed to the Development Review Board for a three-year term. There is still another DRB vacancy. Interested residents should contact Town Manger Dave Atherton.

• William Mills and Michael Shank were each re-appointed to a three-year term on the Planning Commission. Ralph Ethier and Alison Walter were each appointed to one-year terms on the Planning Commission .

• Wendy Bizzarro and Catherine Wall were each re-appointed to a three-year term on the Revolving Loan Fund Committee.

Waived penalties

Citing the shift in tax deadlines and the financial hardship on residents caused by the pandemic, the board voted to waive the penalty on residents who are late filing their homestead declaration for property tax purposes.

The board also unanimously approved postponing the first property tax payment due date to Sept. 15 as Town Clerk Sue Gage said tax bills will not be completed until August. Gage recommended keeping the remaining due dates as scheduled, which would be Nov. 15, Feb. 15, and May 15 for the final payment.

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