weather was rainy and cold and the trails were wet and muddy, but 135 people
still turned out for the fourth annual Pittsford Trail Run on Saturday, April
“I would like to thank Randy Adams,
Director of the town of Pittsford recreation department for all his help
putting this together,” said event coordinator Kelly Connaughton. “We had a
great turn out despite the crummy weather.”
She said wind the night before had blown down a bunch of signs, but they had a 5K and a mile route marked and participants found their way.
The run benefits the Pittsford recreation department. In the past years, funds from the event were used to purchase a new backboard for the swim area, help fund installation of a water fountain, new trail markers, new trail maps, and provide funding towards a new life guard shelter in the future at the recreation area.
Connaughton thanked the event sponsors Club Fitness, OMYA Inc., Querrey Industrial, Boondock Motors, Vermont Country Store, Heritage Family Credit Union, G. Stone Motors, Otterside Animal Hospital, VELCO, Blue Seal Farm & Home, Townline Equipment, and Abundant Life Massage.
She also wanted to thank the volunteers: Pittsford Fire Department cadets, Pittsford First Response, Baird and Betsy Morgan, Robin Leight, Monica Keith, Girls on the Run-Brandon, Keith Bishop, Kellie Corlew, and Brian Connaughton for all their help during the event.