Wildlife Encounters, pro wrestling and the Poppy Pageant!
Category: Arts
OV’s Walking Stick takes flight with ‘The Sparrow’
Otter Valley Union High School hosted the 2023 State Drama Festival this past weekend, the first such event since COVID shut the festival down in 2020.
Our Creative Kids: Brooks Markowski, Aidan Heredia, Emmett Satz & Calleigh Herrick
The project we designed is a set of four different shoes that give the wearer different abilities based on the elements represented on the shoe.
Our Creative Kids: Mrs. McKay’s 3rd-grade class
Mrs. McKay’s 3rd-grade class was studying Native American Kachina dolls and used repurposed paper tubes and found objects to create their own in Matt Aucoin’s art class at Lothrop.
Our Creative Kids: Michelle Hendee
Notan is a Japanese paper-cutting technique that plays with the concept of mirror images, negative and positive space.
Our Creative Kids: Tecaer Chenaul
8th grader Tecaera Chennault created this monochromatic tempera painting by mixing her own paint to make different tints and shades of blue.
Brandon Idol rolls back to the 50s and 60s
With a wildly varied song list that included material from such disparate acts as Elvis, Sinatra, and Bowie, the contestants in Brandon Idol took the competition into the 50s & 60s on Saturday night at Brandon Town Hall.
‘Dark fantasy’ shot in Vermont to screen at Brandon Town Hall on Friday
Liam O’Connor-Genereaux knew he wanted to make a movie that tested the limits the platonic bond: how far can a friendship be stretched while still maintaining its shape?
Our Creative Kids: Oliver Carapezza
For this picture we studied birds and used the wax resist technique, first drawing the lines with crayons and then painting the colors with cake tempera paint.