
This Week’s News

Pale Horse set to ride south

Pale Horse set to ride south

By RUSSELL JONES The incessant hammering of two tattoo machines assaults the senses when you open the door of Pale Horse tattoo shop in downtown Brandon. Inside the studio, two bewhiskered men go about the business of putting permanent paintings on people. In five weeks, Anthony “A-Train” Hylton will be leaving Brandon to open a […]

March Magic sales event in Brandon

March Magic sales event in Brandon

On March 30, Brandon area businesses are planning a “March Magic” sales event that signals the end of winter and a welcome to spring. Bernie Carr, executive director of the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce, announced the sales event saying that for many people “March is all about cabin fever, cold, snowy days and people […]

Proctor board seeks new plan for town office

Proctor board seeks new plan for town office

The Proctor Selectboard took steps to regroup after a plan to repair and renovate the town office was defeated last week. In a close voice vote, an article to use $161,660 in surplus funding for repairs to the front wall of the town office building and renovations to the clerk’s office was not passed by […]

Segment 6 meeting to discuss upcoming construction plans

Segment 6 meeting to discuss upcoming construction plans

By RUSSELL JONES A Segment 6 pre-construction and informational meeting will be held in the Brandon Town Hall on Thursday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. Officials from the town of Brandon, Casella Construction, DuBois & King, and the Water District will give a presentation of work to be performed, starting later this month and continuing […]

Event teaches kids about disabilities

Event teaches kids about disabilities

The Let’s Be Fair event, to educate young children about the struggles disabled people deal with on a daily basis, was held at Proctor Elementary School last Friday. Students learned how disabled people navigate through daily life by working in small groups in several stations. “The event helps raise awareness for the children and helps […]

Photos of the Week


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