Notes from the pulpit: Intention matters in ‘speaking your truth’


It seems that speaking one’s truth, regardless of what others think (or feel), has become for many people a virtue and a badge of freedom, a license to say whatever we want to say, however we want to say it, to whomever we want to say it. We might be quite proud of speaking “the truth,” even if we have not done our research and confirmed the facts, or thoroughly thought through the issue with the help of reputable persons and sources. It may not even occur to us that we know only in part and may be mistaken.

Speaking the truth is paramount. Healthy persons and loving relationships depend on it; unified and just societies depend on it. Given the extent of self-deception and duplicity in every tier of society, one wonders if truth-telling is much of a guiding principle anymore in our personal, social and civic lives. Even taking an oath over a sacred text matters little when it comes to the selfish pursuit of money and power and attempts to justify it. Without a sense of responsibility before God, even sacred texts are ineffectual in safeguarding the integrity of truth-telling. 

It is crucial to our mutual well-being that we speak the truth. It also matters how we speak it. Presently in society, there is no shortage of people speaking their truth in tones and language that make it difficult to listen. If we want to be heard, if we want credibility, we need to “speak the truth in love,” the Christ-ethic admonishes. “In love,” that is, with humility, with respect, non-defensively, non-aggressively, and with an open mind and open heart to what others have to say in reply. Then, even if we are mistaken or short-sighted, the deeper message can get through – that your sacred dignity as a person has been honored and that together we can ferret out the fuller truth.

I hope I have spoken some truth in love. What do you think?

Pastor Hardman-Zimmerman is pastor at the United Methodist Church of Brandon

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