Over a year ago, Maclure Library, Pittsford Village Farm and community members applied for a Better Places grant with the vision of building an outdoor space, accessible to all and protected from the sun and rain. The vision grew to include Vermont Department of Housing, Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Community Foundation and Patronicity for outside funding, PLUS community donations for an $11,000 local match!
With funding in place, Casella Construction, Carrara Concrete and Gagnon Lumber donated labor and material.
To date, the pavilion is framed and roofed and is awaiting Casella to come Monday to poor the concrete! Within a week, we all should be able to use it!
Very special thanks go to Donna Wilson, Shelly Williams, Barb Lalancette and Josh Brittenman for all the organization and planning, and Terry White, Will Kimball, Casella Construction, Carrara Concrete and Gagnon Lumber for construction of this wonderful community asset!